Results for 'Aisling T. O’Donnell'

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  1. Pessimism and the Tragedy of Strong Attachments.Patrick O'Donnell - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 15 (1):21-40.
    Pessimists hold that human life is fundamentally a condition of suffering which cannot attain transcendent meaning. According to pessimistic nihilism, life’s lack of transcendent meaning gives us reason to regret our existence. Life-affirming nihilism insists that we can and should affirm life in the absence of transcendent meaning. Yet both of these strains struggle to articulate what practical reasons might compel us to regret or affirm our inability to transcend the immanent conditions of the human predicament in the first place. (...)
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  2. When Code Words Aren’t Coded.Patrick O'Donnell - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (4):813-845.
    According to the “standard framing” of racial appeals in political speech, politicians generally rely on coded language to communicate racial messages. Yet recent years have demonstrated that politicians often express quite explicit forms of racism in mainstream political discourse. The standard framing can explain neither why these appeals work politically nor how they work semantically. This paper moves beyond the standard framing, focusing on the politics and semantics of one type of explicit appeal, candid racial communication. The linguistic vehicles of (...)
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  3. Aenesidemus Was Not an Academic.Evan O'Donnell - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    Aenesidemus, the (re-)founder of Pyrrhonian skepticism, is usually said to have begun his career by breaking away from the Academy. This assertion rests on the word “συναιρεσιώτῃ” as it appears in Photius’ summary of Aenesidemus’ Pyrrhonian Discourses. I argue that Photius’ probable understanding of the Academy’s history undermines this traditional reading. I then examine the evidence external to Photius and conclude that it also speaks against the traditional narrative.
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    Beyond Rustic and Urbane: A Unified Reading of the Pyrrhonist's Assent to Appearances.Evan O'Donnell - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    I propose to dissolve the distinction between “rustic” and “urbane” interpretations of Sextus Empiricus’ account of Pyrrhonian assent to appearances. On the traditional picture, the “rustic” takes the skeptic to have no beliefs while the “urbane” takes the skeptic to have some “everyday” beliefs. I examine the distinction in two forms. First, in the original suite of papers by Frede, Burnyeat, and Barnes, I find that aside from a few differences in English terminology choice, the three authors substantially agree on (...)
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  5. Pessimism, Political Critique, and the Contingently Bad Life.Patrick O'Donnell - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 12 (1):77-100.
    It is widely believed that philosophical pessimism is committed to fatalism about the sufferings that characterize the human condition, and that it encourages resignation and withdrawal from the political realm in response. This paper offers an explanation for and argument against this perception by distinguishing two functions that pessimism can serve. Pessimism’s skeptical mode suggests that fundamental cross-cultural constraints on the human condition bar us from the good life (however defined). These constraints are often represented as immune to political amelioration, (...)
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  6. Ontology, Experience, and Social Death: On Frank Wilderson's Afropessimism.Patrick O'Donnell - 2020 - APA Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience 20 (1).
    This is a long critical discussion of Frank Wilderson's Afropessimism, focusing primarily on Wilderson's claim that Blackness is equivalent to Slaveness. The article draws out some strengths of the book, but argues that the book's central arguments often rest on shaky methodological, metaphysical, epistemic, and political grounds. Along the way, we consider some complications endemic to the project of evaluating a text so clearly geared towards Black audiences from the perspective of a non-Black reader.
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  7. Generics, race, and social perspectives.Patrick O’Donnell - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (9):1577-1612.
    The project of this paper is to deliver a semantics for a broad subset of bare plural generics about racial kinds, a class which I will dub 'Type C generics.' Examples include 'Blacks are criminal' and 'Muslims are terrorists.' Type C generics have two interesting features. First, they link racial kinds with ​ socially perspectival predicates ​ (SPPs). SPPs lead interpreters to treat the relationship between kinds and predicates in generic constructions as nomic or non-accidental. Moreover, in computing their content, (...)
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  8. Evidence of Falsehood.Timothy R. O'Donnell - manuscript
    It has been largely assumed from the start that truth, the first premise of the Tripartite theory of Knowledge, is necessary for a mental state of knowing. And this has intuitively made sense. Examples that demonstrate the logic of this premise are wide-spread and easily found. Yet, if one tries to establish the necessity of this condition for oneself, one may discover, a logical flaw in this premise. In theory truth is necessary, however, in practice it is not truth that (...)
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  9. Coevolutionary semantics of technological civilization genesis and evolutionary risk.V. T. Cheshko & O. M. Kuz - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 10:43-55.
    Purpose of the present work is to attempt to give a glance at the problem of existential and anthropological risk caused by the contemporary man-made civilization from the perspective of comparison and confrontation of aesthetics, the substrate of which is emotional and metaphorical interpretation of individual subjective values and politics feeding by objectively rational interests of social groups. In both cases there is some semantic gap present between the represented social reality and its representation in perception of works of art (...)
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    Purpose (metatask) of the present work is to attempt to give a glance at the problem of existential and anthropo- logical risk caused by the contemporary man-made civilization from the perspective of comparison and confronta- tion of aesthetics, the substrate of which is emotional and metaphorical interpretation of individual subjective values and politics feeding by objectively rational interests of social groups. In both cases there is some semantic gap pre- sent between the represented social reality and its representation in perception (...)
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  11. Nutritional Knowledge and Cultural Food Beliefs on Dietary Practices of Pregnant Women.Raffy O. Jembi, Abimbola A. Emmanuel & Abdurazaq T. Ibraheem - 2023 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2 (2):162-172.
    The paper assessed the nutritional knowledge and cultural food beliefs on dietary practices of pregnant women in Epe Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study consisted of all registered pregnant women in seven (7) antenatal clinics in Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State. A sample size of 270 was drawn using proportionate sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and the Chi-square test of (...)
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  12. Exploring the relation between individual moral antecedents and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition for sustainable development.Vincent Blok, L. Ploum, O. Omta & T. Lans - 2018 - Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (172):1582-1591.
    When dealing with complex value-driven problems such as sustainable development, individuals need to have values and norms that go beyond the appropriation of tangible business outcomes for themselves. This raises the question of the role played by individual moral antecedents in the entrepreneurial process of opportunity recognition for sustainable development. To answer this question, an exploratory empirical research design was used in which 96 would-be entrepreneurs were subjected to real-life decision-making processes in an online environment. The participants were guided through (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Educating for self-interest or -transcendence? An empirical approach to investigating the role of moral competencies in opportunity recognition for sustainable development.Vincent Blok, L. Ploum, O. Omta & T. Lans - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 2 (28):243-260.
    Entrepreneurship education with a focus on sustainable development primarily teaches students to develop a profit‐driven mentality. As sustainable development is a value‐oriented and normative concept, the role of individual ethical norms and val‐ ues in entrepreneurial processes has been receiving increased attention. Therefore, this study addresses the role of moral competence in the process of idea generation for sustainable development. A mixed method design was developed in which would‐ be entrepreneurs were subjected to a questionnaire (n = 398) and to (...)
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  14. A Counterexample t o All Future Dynamic Systems Theories of Cognition.Eric Dietrich - 2000 - J. Of Experimental and Theoretical AI 12 (2):377-382.
    Years ago, when I was an undergraduate math major at the University of Wyoming, I came across an interesting book in our library. It was a book of counterexamples t o propositions in real analysis (the mathematics of the real numbers). Mathematicians work more or less like the rest of us. They consider propositions. If one seems to them to be plausibly true, then they set about to prove it, to establish the proposition as a theorem. Instead o f setting (...)
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  15. Citizens' Assessment on Programs for Education of the Local Government Unit of Banga, Aklan.Jyanee Loi D. Yecla, Cecilia T. Reyes, Cecile O. Legaspi & Anna Mae C. Relingo - 2022 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 1 (4):183-192.
    Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) was used to assess the delivery of support to education initiatives in the municipality of Banga, Aklan, Philippines. The samples were determined using multiple application of stratified random sampling approach. In accordance with the Philippine Statistical Authority's Data on Census Population and Housing for 2015, barangays having a bigger share of the population contributed more respondents to the 150 targeted participants. Following the inclusion criteria, the probability respondents were chosen using the Kish Grid. Pre-numbered questionnaires (...)
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  16. Review of James J. O'Donnell, *Avatars of the Word*. [REVIEW]G. Nixon - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (6-7):120-122.
    J. J. OʼDonnell is one those scholars whose learning is assumed rather than displayed. As a result, his brief approach to the long-terms effects of the computer revolution onreading and higher education feels like a bracing, sophisticated exchange of ideas. Like conversation, O'Donnellʼs thesis is not terribly unified or orderly. He often makessidetracks from his focus on high technology and literacy into explaining such interestingthings as how we choose our cultural ancestry instead of merely evolving out of it, the errors (...)
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  17. Current trends in global demographic processes.Sergii Sardak & O. Tryfonova S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, V. Dzhyndzhoian, T. Fedotova - 2018 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 16 (1):48-57.
    Current local and national demographic trends have deepened the existing and formed new global demographic processes that have received a new historical reasoning that requires deep scientific research taking into account the influence of the multifactorial global dimension of the modern society development. The purpose of the article is to study the development of global demographic processes and to define the causes of their occurrence, manifestations, implications and prospects for implementation in the first half of the 21st century. The authors (...)
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  18. New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges.M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, O. Bezpartochna, R. Dmuchowski, S. Szmitka, O. Shevchenko, M. Artman, P. Jarosz, V. Kubičková, M. Čukanová, D. Benešová, R. Narkūnienė, R. Bražulienė, T. Németh, M. Hegedűs, M. Borowska, B. Cherniavskyi, R. Vazov, M. Lalakulych, N. Tsenkler, N. Štangová, A. Víghová, P. Havrylko, T. Hushtan, V. Petrenko, A. Karnaushenko, A. Sokolovskа, O. Tymchenko, O. Dragan, L. Tertychna, N. Rybak, R. Pidlypna, M. Kovach, K. Indus, O. Sydorchuk, A. Kolodiychuk, V. Kuranovic, O. Nosachenko, M. Baldzhy, K. Andriushchenko, K. Teteruk, E. Yuhas, L. Rybakova, E. Mikelsone, T. Volkova, A. Spilbergs, E. Liela, J. Frisfelds, M. Kurleto, I. Vlasenko & S. Gyrych (eds.) - 2020 - Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges: collective monograph / scientific edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 Vol. // VUZF University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship. – Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2020. – Vol. 1. – 309 p.
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  19. Sacred Appellations: Secular Zen, New Materialism, and D. T. Suzuki’s Soku-hi Logic.Rossa Ó Muireartaigh - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:69-83.
    The logic of soku-hi is presented as an articulation of a post-Kantian view of reality that embraces the truths of science with the assumption of the transcendental subject. As such, soku-hi represents the philosophical posture of both the secular Zen of the Kyoto School and the new materialists of contemporary continental philosophy. It describes how material reality is not all even though there is nothing else.
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  20. Demystifying the Relationship Between Confidence and Critical Thinking in Mathematics among Preservice Teachers in West Philippines.Jupeth Pentang, Mary Glory Caubang, Aira May Tidalgo, Sairey Morizo, Ronalyn Bautista, Mark Donnel Viernes, Manuel Bucad Jr & Janina Sercenia - 2023 - European Journal of Educational Research 12 (4):1743-1754.
    Mathematical confidence and critical thinking are essential in preparing preservice teachers. Thus, this study explored the perceived confidence and critical thinking levels in mathematics of elementary and secondary preservice teachers. A descriptive-correlational-comparative research design was employed, with a sample of 107 randomly selected preservice teachers enrolled in the Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education programs of a state university in West Philippines. The study used arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman’s rank-order correlation, and independent samples t-test to analyze and draw conclusions (...)
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  21. La instancia de la letra en el inconsciente o la razón después de Freud.J. Lacan & T. Segovia - forthcoming - Escritos 1.
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  22. “Surely, you don’t mean rocks”: Indigenous Kinship Ethics, Moral Responsibility, and So-Called ‘Natural Objects’.Áila Kel Katajamäki O'Loughlin - 2024 - Native American and Indigenous Philosophy 24 (1):19-26.
    My focus in this philosophy paper is rocks. When I say rocks, I mean the solid mineral material that forms parts of the earth’s surface, otherwise known as pebbles, boulders, or a mountain range. Specifically, my aim in this paper is to detail the kinds of moral responsibilities that humans have toward rocks within an ethical framework of Indigenous Kinship Ethics. This responsibility is complex and contextual–like all moral responsibility–but complexity is not a compelling argument to dismiss ethical obligation. To (...)
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  23. Students' Economic Status and Access to Technology in Relation to Their Academic Stress on Online Learning at the University of Bohol.Kim B. Penaflor, Mae Arcely P. Acera, Esther Jay P. Melencion, Ma Ella May R. Ampac, Angela T. Toribio, Karla Mari S. Gaterin, Marian O. Agan, Glenn Lawrence P. Doloritos, Xenita Vera P. Oracion, Bonnibella L. Jamora & Kristine Mae V. Lumanas - 2023 - Academe University of Bohol, Graduate School and Professional Studies 22 (1):25-38.
    Socioeconomic status refers to the family's social and economic standing in society. It is measured by combining an individual or group's economic and social position, which is often based on income, education, and occupation. It significantly affects academic performance and even one's health status. The pandemic changed the educational system, causing a huge transition from traditional learning methods to online learning. This shift resulted in confusion, burden, and difficulty among students from different walks of life. This study was conducted to (...)
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  24. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON PEACE AND SECURITY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.Mely Caballero-Anthony, Julius Cesar Trajano, Alistair D. B. Cook, Nanthini D./O. T. Sambanthan, Jose Ma Luis Montesclaros, Keith Paolo Landicho & Danielle Lynn Goh - 2023 - United Nations.
    Climate change is today one of the greatest risks to peace and security, but arguably remains at the margins of policy action amid the loss of trust in multilateral institutions. The impacts of climate change are already felt by local communities in regions on the frontline. While communities have exercised agency to generate local impact and promote trust, the overwhelming impact of climate change necessitates effective state responses, and regional and global cooperation. Global cooperation, in turn, needs to better address (...)
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  25. Contextual Effects of Video Tutorials on The Academic Performance of STEM 12 Students.Sherry V. Mecida, Krisna Rika O. Barron, Henry I. I. E. Lemana, Andre Eldridge O. Oberez, Alraiza K. Sampulna, Sheryn Mae M. Huesca, Sabrie K. Bailan, Mike Jones E. Sajorga, Tristan Kyle O. Sarceda, Queenie Rose T. Teniero & Orczy Louis Edniel W. Baculi - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):86-98.
    As schools publicly modernize in response to societal changes, additional teaching and learning methods are developed, observed, and used since learners have different learning styles that make it easier for them to grasp and retain the material. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers require different media to keep the classroom involved while presenting the lesson materials online, one of which is video tutorials. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent of contextual effects of video tutorials used in general (...)
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  26. Climate change and its impact on peace and security in Southeast Asia.Mely Caballero-Anthony, Julius Cesar Trajano, Alistair D. B. Cook, Nanthini D./O. T. Sambanthan, Jose Ma Luis Montesclaros, Keith Paolo Landicho & Danielle Lynn Goh (eds.) - 2023
    Climate change is today one of the greatest risks to peace and security, but arguably remains at the margins of policy action amid the loss of trust in multilateral institutions. The impacts of climate change are already felt by local communities in regions on the frontline. While communities have exercised agency to generate local impact and promote trust, the overwhelming impact of climate change necessitates effective state responses, and regional and global cooperation.2 Global cooperation, in turn, needs to better address (...)
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  27. Making Offers They Can’t Refuse: Consensus and Domination in the WTO.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2018 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 5 (2):227-256.
    The World Trade Organisation, and the international trade regime within which it operates, is regularly evaluated in terms of distributive outcomes or opportunities. A less-established concern is the extent to which the institutional structure of the trade regime enables agents to exert control over the economic forces to which they’re subject. This oversight is surprising, as trade negotiations amongst states have profound impacts upon what options remain open to those states and their citizens in regulating their economies. This article contributes (...)
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  28. Socrates' Therapeutic Use of Inconsistency in the Axiochus.Tim O'Keefe - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):388-407.
    The few people familiar with the pseudo-Platonic dialogue Axiochus generally have a low opinion of it. It's easy to see why: the dialogue is a mish-mash of Platonic, Epicurean and Cynic arguments against the fear of death, seemingly tossed together with no regard whatsoever for their consistency. As Furley notes, the Axiochus appears to be horribly confused. Whereas in the Apology Socrates argues that death is either annihilation or a relocation of the soul, and is a blessing either way, "the (...)
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  29. Nhóm nhà khoa học Việt phát triển Cổng thông tin hỗ trợ đào tạo nghiên cứu.T. Công - 2024 - Tạp Chí Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ (Feb. 5, 2024).
    Trước những khó khăn và thách thức của các nhà khoa học trẻ và các nhà khoa học ở những nước đang phát triển do thiếu tài nguyên và cơ hội được tiếp cận với các kiến thức và phương pháp nghiên cứu bài bản…, các nhà khoa học Việt Nam đã phát triển nền tảng Cổng thông tin SM3D hỗ trợ đào tạo phương pháp nghiên cứu khoa học xã hội cho các nhà khoa học. Sau gần 2 năm (...)
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    Standing to Blame and Standing to Praise?Maggie O’Brien - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    Praise and blame are both forms of moral assessment. Yet, the literature on standing has focussed on blame – to blame appropriately one needs standing to do so. Praise has been mostly ignored. This paper argues that the asymmetrical treatment of praise and blame is unwarranted: there’s no good reason to think that we need standing to blame, but don’t need standing to praise. This conclusion is important because it provides a new line of argument for scepticism about standing to (...)
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  31. Conhecimento, Contexto e Infiltração Pragmática.T. V. Rodrigues - 2013 - Intuitio (Nº 2):05-18.
    Resumo: Neste texto, introduzo algumas questões importantes que fazem parte do debate sobre infiltração pragmática. Além de apresentar e problematizar as principais alegações oferecidas pelos proponentes da infiltração pragmática eu irei contrasta-la com algumas teses mais tradicionais, como a Tese Tradicional sobre o Conhecimento e o Contextualismo Epistêmico. Por fim, apresento uma crítica aos proponentes da infiltração pragmática que parece ainda não ter sido tratada. Concluo que embora controversa, tal tese está longe de ser refutada completamente. Palavras-chave: Conhecimento; Contexto; Justificação; (...)
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  32. J. L. Holzgrefe / Robert O. Keohane , Humanitarian Intervention. Ethical, Legal, And Political Dilemmas / Georg Meggle , Ethics Of Humanitarian Interventions. [REVIEW]T. Botzenhardt - 2005 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 112 (2):475.
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  33. Representationalism, supervenience, and the cross-modal problem.John W. O’dea - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):285-95.
    The representational theory of phenomenal experience is often stated in terms of a supervenience thesis: Byrne recently characterises it as the thesis that “there can be no difference in phenomenal character without a difference in content”, while according to Tye, “[a]t a minimum, the thesis is one of supervenience: necessarily, experiences that are alike in their representational contents are alike in their phenomenal character.” Consequently, much of the debate over whether representationalism is true centres on purported counter-examples – that is (...)
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  34. That Was the New Labour That Wasn't.Stuart White & Martin O'Neill - 2013 - Fabian Review.
    The New Labour we got was different from the New Labour that might have been, had the reform agenda associated with stakeholding and pluralism in the early-1990s been fully realised. We investigate the road not taken and what it means for ‘one nation’ Labour.
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  35. The Annicerean Cyrenaics on Friendship and Habitual Good Will.Tim O’Keefe - 2017 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 62 (3):305-318.
    Unlike mainstream Cyrenaics, the Annicereans deny that friendship is chosen only because of its usefulness. Instead, the wise person cares for her friend and endures pains for him because of her goodwill and love. Nonetheless, the Annicereans maintain that your own pleasure is the telos and that a friend’s happiness isn’t intrinsically choiceworthy. Their position appears internally inconsistent or to attribute doublethink to the wise person. But we can avoid these problems. We have good textual grounds to attribute to the (...)
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  36. Professor Joseph T. O’Connell: A remembrance.Amir Hussain - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1):19-20.
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    Performing Culture and Breaking Rules.O. Lehto - 2012 - In Pilar Couto Cantero, Gonzalo Enríquez Veloso, Alberta Passeri & José María Paz Gago, Culture of Communication/Communication of Culture - Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións. pp. 403-414.
    How is it possible to perform more than is required? And yet, isn’t that precisely what is required, in order for an interlocking society of human beings to function, develop and evolve? If human beings only did what we were told to do, we would live in complete monotony and enslavement. If human beings did only what we were permitted to do, nothing interesting would ever happen. Although performance has often been limited to the study of isolated artistic forms of (...)
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  38. Enfermidades do útero gestante.T. B. Barros, I. G. Socodato & R. Toniolli - 2024 - Ciência Animal 34 (2):93-114.
    RESUMO Os cuidados para atender às necessidades específicas da fêmea gestante são indispensáveis para o sucesso no manejo reprodutivo de qualquer espécie. Entretanto, é necessário entender que podem acontecer problemas em qualquer uma das fases reprodutivas, inclusive na gestação. Antes de tudo, na clínica e na produção, a sobrevivência dos fetos significa êxito no manejo reprodutivo. Durante o período gestacional podem se desenvolver diversas afecções no útero da fêmea, dentre elas podem ser citadas: mumificação fetal, gravidez ectópica, maceração fetal, prenhez (...)
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  39. Don’t Worry, Be Stoic. [REVIEW]William O. Stephens - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (2):452-456.
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  40. The Cyrenaics vs. the Pyrrhonists on knowledge of appearances.Tim O'Keefe - 2011 - In Diego E. Machuca, New essays on ancient Pyrrhonism. Boston: Brill. pp. 27-40.
    In Outlines of Pyrrhonism, Sextus Empiricus takes pains to differentiate the skeptical way of life from other positions with which it is often confused, and in the course of this discussion he briefly explains how skepticism differs from Cyrenaicism. Surprisingly, Sextus does not mention an important apparent difference between the two. The Cyrenaics have a positive epistemic commitment--that we can apprehend our own affections. Although we cannot know whether the honey is really sweet, we can know infallibly that right now (...)
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  41. Hume's reflective return to the vulgar.James R. O'Shea - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (2):285 – 315.
    Each of the standard outlooks in the philosophy of perception --phenomenalism, direct realism, indirect realism, scepticism -- has thus been viewed as Hume's own considered position in the eyes of informed commentators. I argue that Hume does not ascribe univocally to any one of the traditional stances in the philosophy of perception, nor does he leave us only a schizophrenic or 'mood' scepticism. Hume attempted to resolve the traditional philosophical problem (or perhaps more accurately, to set it aside on principled (...)
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  42. The Social Costs of Limited Land Rights in Vietnam.Huong T. T. Hoang, Khoi D. Nguyen, Trang T. Le, Hang Khanh, Kien Le & My Nguyen - 2018 - Bản Chưa Hoàn Chỉnh.
    Nhiều nаm hơn nữ đượс đăng ký tên trên GCNQSDĐ. Phụ nữ sở hữu ít mảnh đất hơn nаm giới. Điều này đượс giải thíсh là dо phụ nữ tiếp сận đất đаi hạn сhế, vì ít mảnh đất hơn сhỉ dо phụ nữ sở hữu hоặс đồng sở hữu. Một số yếu tố giải thíсh sự kháс biệt. Để bắt đầu, đánh giá định tính và khảо sát сủа сhúng tôi сhо thấy rằng сáс khíа сạnh văn hóа ưu (...)
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  43. Đâu là khó khăn cản trở sự phát triển của khoa học mở tại Việt Nam?T. S. Phạm Hiệp - 2022 - Giáo Dục Việt Nam.
    LTS: Khoa học mở, bao gồm các hợp phần tạp chí mở, dữ liệu mở, phần mềm mở, tài liệu khoa học mở… đang là xu hướng diễn ra ngày càng mạnh trên thế giới. Tại Việt Nam, khoa học mở đã được Hiệp hội Các trường đại học, cao đẳng Việt Nam tiên phong giới thiệu trong một vài năm gần đây. -/- Trong bài viết gốc bằng Tiếng Anh, có tiêu đề "How to move open science from the (...)
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  44. PINK DOESN’T MEAN WEAK: UNVEILING THE TRIUMPHS AND CHALLENGES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN BALAYAN, BATANGAS.Jessrell Elaine B. Cerrado, Jhian Carl Q. Arquileta, John Mark B. Barsaga, Mirko G. Dastas, Frank D. Mendoza, Sean Jacob B. Relacion, Princess Joy M. Banaag, Faith Cedwin Louis E. Belarmino, Stephanie M. Concepcion, Irish Kate C. De Castro, Jerseys Eanne C. Javier, Princess Erica O. Quizzagan, Lyra Gynera L. Villanobo & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2024 - Get International Research Journal 2 (2):126-148.
    The world of entrepreneurship has historically been linked with taking risks and the potential for significant rewards. However, there persists a notable gender imbalance in the entrepreneurial landscape, wherein women entrepreneurs remain a minority. Women navigating the entrepreneurial path encounter distinct challenges, setting their experiences apart from their male counterparts. In Balayan, Batangas, despite strides towards gender equality, women entrepreneurs continue to face challenges in the entrepreneurial landscape. This qualitative study delves into the experiences of 10 successful female entrepreneurs who (...)
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  45. Does Property Rights Affect Women and Children’s Well-being?Huong T. T. Hoang, Khoi D. Nguyen, Trang T. Le, Hang Khanh, Kien Le & My Nguyen - 2010 - Bản Chưa Hoàn Chỉnh.
    Nhiều nаm hơn nữ đượс đăng ký tên trên GCNQSDĐ. Phụ nữ sở hữu ít mảnh đất hơn nаm giới. Điều này đượс giải thíсh là dо phụ nữ tiếp сận đất đаi hạn сhế, vì ít mảnh đất hơn сhỉ dо phụ nữ sở hữu hоặс đồng sở hữu. Một số yếu tố giải thíсh sự kháс biệt. Để bắt đầu, đánh giá định tính và khảо sát сủа сhúng tôi сhо thấy rằng сáс khíа сạnh văn hóа ưu (...)
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  46. Lucretius.Tim O'Keefe - 2005 - In Patricia F. O'Grady, Meet the philosophers of ancient Greece: everything you always wanted to know about Ancient Greek philosophy but didn't know who to ask. Ashgate.
    Titus Lucretius Carus was an ardent disciple of Epicurus and the author of the De Rerum Natura, one of the greatest poems in Latin. Other than his approximate dates of birth and death, we have next to no reliable information about him. Because of his family name and his apparent familiarity with Roman upper-class mores, it is thought that Lucretius was probably a member of the aristocratic clan of the Lucretii, but this is not certain. And so any insight we (...)
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  47. Upper bounds on locally countable admissible initial segments of a Turing degree hierarchy.Harold T. Hodes - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):753-760.
    Where AR is the set of arithmetic Turing degrees, 0 (ω ) is the least member of { $\mathbf{\alpha}^{(2)}|\mathbf{a}$ is an upper bound on AR}. This situation is quite different if we examine HYP, the set of hyperarithmetic degrees. We shall prove (Corollary 1) that there is an a, an upper bound on HYP, whose hyperjump is the degree of Kleene's O. This paper generalizes this example, using an iteration of the jump operation into the transfinite which is based on (...)
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  48. Năm yếu tố tiền đề của tương tác giữa người và máy trong kỷ nguyên trí tuệ nhân tạo.Manh-Tung Ho & T. Hong-Kong Nguyen - 2024 - Tạp Chí Thông Tin Và Truyền Thông 4 (4/2024):84-91.
    Bài viết này giới thiệu năm yếu tố tiền đề đó với mục đích gia tăng nhận thức về quan hệ giữa người và máy trong bối cảnh công nghệ ngày càng thay đổi cuộc sống thường nhật. Năm tiền đề bao gồm: Tiền đề về cấu trúc xã hội, văn hóa, chính trị, và lịch sử; về tính tự chủ và sự tự do của con người; về nền tảng triết học và nhân văn của nhân loại; về hiện (...)
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    Resumo A criação de bezerras está entre as atividades mais importantes da pecuária leiteira, pois reflete a genética e a produção do rebanho. Um bom manejo nutricional de novilhas durante a fase recria é essencial para o desenvolvimento ponderal adequado, pois melhora da função imunológica e precocidade reprodutiva. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação do peso de novilhas holandesas com a idade na primeira inseminação artificial, primeiro parto e volume de leite produzido na primeira lactação. Foram utilizados os (...)
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  50. Giới thiệu về năm tiền đề của tương tác giữa người và máy trong kỉ nguyên trí tuệ nhân tạo.Manh-Tung Ho & T. Hong-Kong Nguyen - manuscript
    Bài viết này giới thiệu năm yếu tố tiền đề đó với mục đích gia tăng nhận thức về quan hệ giữa người và máy trong bối cảnh công nghệ ngày càng thay đổi cuộc sống thường nhật. Năm tiền đề bao gồm: Tiền đề về cấu trúc xã hội, văn hóa, chính trị, và lịch sử; về tính tự chủ và sự tự do của con người; về nền tảng triết học và nhân văn của nhân loại; về hiện (...)
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